Come up with an example of an institution that has benefited from the changes new and digital media has brought to the news industry.
The Mail Online is the website of newspaper, Daily Mail that has greatly benefited from the changes in news with the introduction of technology. The Daily Mail was named the leading online newspaper by tracking service comScore with their 11.34 million daily viewers. Also, as The Daily Mail is available online, it is accessible to people all over the world. To further broaden their readers, separate home pages were created in several countries including USA, India and Australia. The Daily Mail, since opening up a website, has received several awards such as Laureus Sports Website of the Year at the 2014 Sports Journalist Association awards, chairman's award for Online Media and Best Brand Development. With this great success, The Daily Mail was encouraged to create an app which also proved to be very successful as it was named one of "The Best Apps of 2013" in the UK by the Google Play store.
Find an example of an institution that has suffered as a result of the changes new and digital media has brought to the news industry.
The sun is an example of an institution that has suffered since new and digital media has been bought to the news industry. It has lost a large number of readers as many of the readers have potentially gone to other news institutions as they offer free news on websites.
Who has benefited most from the changes new and digital media have had on the news industry - audiences or institutions?
With the extensive changes in technology, new and digital media have many effects on both the audience and the institution which creates Positive and negative outcomes.
For the audiences it can be considered that the introduction of new and digital media is very positive. It offers the audience a wider variety of news written with from different perspectives which broadens their knowledge and understanding of what is happening inthe world around them. However more than the wide range of stories available, expanding, for the audience, the accessibility of the news may be even more important. Smart phones allows news readers to find news on the go and to help news to be even easier to access, many news companies have created apps that direct the public straight to the most recent and breaking news. Also, another point that greatly benefits the audience is that the majority of the apps and websites are free of charge, unlike their print counterparts. With news becoming free it allows news papers to widen their audience as traders who may not have been able to initially pay for the news paper can now access it online for free.
As well as the audience, institutions can also benefit a lot from digital changes in the media. Institutions can now instantly release news on their websites and apps contrasting to waiting for the next day for the newspaper to print. This makes the institution reflect as a reliable and resourceful institution to get news from. Also, the newspaper can hear the opinions of more readers through the comments section which makes it easier for them to alter their methods of portraying the news in order to appeal to their audience.
Despite this their are more negative outcomes with the introduction of digital media for the institutions. The decline of print newspapers makes institutions lose revenue as they can no longer get money from the advertisements. Now with the Internet, search engines, primarily Google take away all the business for advertising. Also as online is free, institutions find it difficult to get profit since customers are no longer paying for the service.
As well as the negative effects for the institutions, there are also negative effects for the audience. Although news has become much more accessible, many of the public may still choose not to read the news. This means that there is not much point for institutions to change into online news. Also, as readers are easily able to post conspiracy theories or even wrong information on the comments section, leading to the public being dumbed down.
To conclude, In my opinion, I think it is the audience that benefits the most from digital media being introduced as they have wider options which are easily accessible.