Adult pornography is content that many people access all over the world, which can be found on legal, easily accessible porn sites. However, Paedophiles are increasingly hiding child abuse images on legal porn sites, which means that a normal citizen may accidentally stumble across such images and accused wrongfully. Also, by hiding child abuse images online, it makes it more difficult for the police to prove the innocence or guilt of the accused.
- The IWF uncovered 743 such websites in 2015, compared with 353 in 2013. Langford said they were using a new technique where only legal content was displayed if the site was accessed directly through a browser but illegal child abuse images were shown if a specific pathway of links was used.
- Last year, the IWF found that 21% of the webpages containing illegal images
- The IWF said 68,092 reports of suspect online content were positively identified as containing illegal child sexual abuse imagery in 2015 and taken down.
- This was a 417% increase in confirmed reports since 2013 and a 118% increase over the previous year
- 69% of victims were assessed to be aged 10 or younger, with 1,788 of those believed to be two or under.
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