Friday 22 January 2016

January assessment learner response

WWW: Very well structured and articulate essay
EBI: Include more about gatekeeping and news values (Galtung & Ruge) and more specific details about internet misinformation

42/48 = A

Mark Scheme

Strongest Statement: Well structured, articulate and engaged
Weakest Statement: A comprehensive individual case study, with a range of examples

I think that is my weakest statement as I drifted off the news case study often and did not consider some key theories in relation to the case study e.g news values

Exemplar 'A' grade essay

  • Extensive use of statistics to support arguments
  • Many detailed examples used 
  • Used a variety of theories 
New Paragraph

The news that is produced and presented to the audiences can be considered to be unreliable as institutions carefully mediate what content that they display following Galtung and Ruge's  news values such as familiarity, negativity, amplitude e.t.c. This may mean that as institutions try to report news that they believe that the audience would want to hear, they may be missing out on actual newsworthy stories, meaning that the news broadcast on traditional news platforms such as TV and radio may not be as trustworthy as they seem to be. Also, following the concept that news should have the surprise factor, this may possibly lead to a lack of proper research and misinformation. A great example of misinformation is when the the LA Times reported that South Korean girl group, Oh My Girl was denied entry into the America due to the suspicion of them being 'sex workers' however, in actuality, the issue arose as the girls had tourist visas when they had come for work purposes. Although it was true that an officer did assume that the girls were 'sex workers' due to their extensive costumes, this was not the reason as to why the girls were not allowed in the country and shows the great untrustworthiness within new and digital media where news is reported instantly. Furthermore, this great unreliability causes people to believe that in order to maximise the credibility of news, there needs to be more gatekeeping on the internet to avoid discrepancies. However as the internet is open for all users to change and alter the information on the internet, it is nearly impossible to have enough gate keepers to filter the accurate and inaccurate information that is published on the internet, making it more difficult to find trustworthy information.

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