Monday 7 December 2015

Globalisation and the media: wider issues

1) Why was Google Glass controversial?

The Google Glass was significantly viewed as a controversial item as people thought it would be an introduction to the future dystopian world, similarly to the matrix which depicts a population that is somewhat alienated from each other due to technology. Google Glass seemed to be a starting point, in some people's opinion, for an impending fate of the world. Google Glass would possibly dissolve all conversations as people would no longer be able to tell whether people are actually listening to each other or concentrating on what can be seen through the Google Glass. Furthermore, with people being able to video and pick up images of what they are seeing, there are possibilities of Google using these images for the company's personal gain, without permission from the consumer. As reported, The Glass can record all sound and has installed facial recognition software, which will be able to pick out any one from the crowd that the user of Google Glass sees. This is highly exploiting privacy therefore, causing great controversy.

2) What are the positive elements to Globalisation that the article highlights?

Positives that arise from using the Google Glass is that information is much more accessible than what we once thought it was. Without wasting time by taking out devices, and turning them on, The Glass would be able to instantly search things making the speed we access information, much quicker. Furthermore, the Glass has converged a variety of function such as a sound recorder and camera in a small wearable device, which further accentuates its accessibility and convenience.

3) What are potential negatives to Globalisation?

Potential negatives of globalisation is that other countries may attempt to create replicas of products that are significantly successful while gaining a profit. Also, people will become less receptive of each other and focus more on their somewhat hyperreality online rather than their actual reality, causing separation from society. Globalisation allows for worldwide content to be easily accessed, creating more variety for audiences which would possibly ultimately lead to 

4) What is a techno-panic? How does it link to moral panics?

Techno-panic is very similar to moral panics as it refers to societies concerns due to a new change, however, techno-panic, directly refers to the fact that these concerns arise from the development in new and digital technology.

5) What is your opinion on the privacy debate and major corporations being able to access large quantities of personal data?

Personally, I believe that unless you have some knowledge or involvement with things associated with illegality, I do not have an strong opinions against major corporations being able to access large quantities of personal data. The largest gain that I believe these corporations have is the ability to target audiences better as well as find information on what sort of products, audiences are interested in. However, despite my personal beliefs being indifferent towards major corporations' means of accessing information, I fully understand privacy should be something that we are entitled to and should not be used purely for monetary gains.

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